Wednesday, November 7, 2018 - Declaring Peace with Nature

There's a poignant moment in one of Bill Mollison's films when he says, talking about the array of machines, fuel and chemicals used in industrial agriculture, "When did we declare war on the Earth?"
"When did we declare war on the land?"
So I suppose 11 am on the 11th of November 2018, a hundred years since the end of the First World War, would be the perfect moment for humanity to end its war with Nature. In 2018, at last it seems to have become generally understood that continuing our industrial way of life will lead inevitably to environmental catastrophe and mass extinction. But what do we do instead?
We are a group of friends and families living in and around Perth, Scotland, who are developing a project based on a peaceful, regenerative approach to living and working on the land. Within our group, we have a wide range of practical experience of living and working on many different eco-projects in the UK and Portugal, and have an understanding of the basic patterns of working with Nature. We'll be using this blog to set out our ideas, and to chart our progress. We believe, and intend to show, that there is a healthy, fulfilling post-industrial way of life which can regenerate natural wealth, provide people with their basic needs, occupations and incomes, while capturing carbon and making the transition to zero fossil fuel use and zero waste production.
Please help our project along with a donation here, thank you!

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